1. 2. 3.

You know there we are, talking, been talking for maybe half hour no problem, and time out, they always want to know, hey man why're you talkin' to me? looking me square on with only one eye, chin up.  I always answer how they're not getting it for free, they don't need to worry.

What I want to know is
hay man why're you running me that way,
you know, throwing stones when you mean to say hello
sitting there with a broken light bulb in your hand saying
nuthin' when I ask what's going on.

She says, Naaw, man
do I look like somebody who'd say
hello joo Di how are you?

She says, Hay watz happnin'/ you still my frien'/ we still cool right
den let's talk/ I talk and you talk/ back and forth
like dat.

She says, Never had no party before/ see what I'm sayin'
m' mother she came on up 'n my birthday, y' know/ brought me some flowers
'ey was dead / I threw 'em in the garbage/ now dem's feelin's right?

(c) 2002-03jgoldberg