You'd said, It feels like I'm taking all the risks.

Move over, I guess I needed to say, please, and listen up
everyone takes all their own risks and
it ain't just about you, and there are rules, I guess I needed to say.

There are rules of interpersonal engagement, between you, and the generic not you:

Within the context of relationship, each one takes all her/his own risks
and feels all her/his own feelings; that is the nature of relation, one to another.
That is the nature of honest discourse, of intimacy.


1. At a certain point you either do or don't trust me.   This includes my responses, which may or     may not frighten please or confuse you.   I have seasons.  I have moods.

2. Your distractions, are on you.

3. You need reassurance, ask for it.

4. Violence is violent.  Yours just the same as anyone else, and it offends me. 
    I experience your self-inflicted violence as disrespectful and a flagrant violation of honesty.

5. Honor your committment to living.
