So I was thinking about you, or maybe I was talking to you, or talking beside you with you in the background, or you were in my mind, filling the view in my mind, while I was driving the far distance from here to there back to work after the flood of 96 thinking about what I wanted to say to everybody who was going to ask whatever they were going to ask and wondering what there was to say that describes a trip to mars and back with nothing to show for it you know, and I had a little revelation that I think is especially important
...not just for you

but for all of us...and it's funny because my mother phoned this morning just to talk I think or just to clarify some things she had obviously been sorting out and it came down to the same thing, that is, it seems she had the same little revelation,

it's about telling the story,  it's about, if not speaking ones truth kills one just a little bit everyday by way of isolation or dishonor or disrespect or lack of recognition of self, or loss of meaning and context,
then it becomes life affirming and absolute, without equivocation or debate, that one must then indeed speak her truth every day, tell a bit of her story every day

and so I came to think about prayer or ritual and again about the trees and the river and the hummingbirds and all those things that make up normal or usual or just today.

So glory hallelujia is about rising up every day
and greeting life and fighting for life. 

And so I never exactly said what I meant to when people asked whatever they asked when they saw me
but I was clear about the connections between here and there
and made whatever I said stand for clearing the path from me and my life to them
and life all around,
clearing my spot so it stood for me and I stood in its glory. 

So sing your song, tell your story scream your screams and I, even the generic I, will ever listen,
but of course
that's not the point, if you don't...

(c) 2002-03jgoldberg